2024 D3 XC Regional Live Results
A big thanks to LEVER for supporting D3 Glory Days this month. Their treadmill attachment allows runners to stay healthy by reducing their body weight. LEVER has other recovery tools like a collapsible foam roller and recovery boots. They’re offering D3 Glory Days readers 20% when you use the code ‘GloryDays’ at checkout. Head over to levermovement.com to learn more! Coaches, they’re offering a bundle for your team. Contact us for more information.
Regionals is here. Catch all the action from around the Nation here on this page.
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Suffolk
Great Lakes
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Franklin
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Stockton
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Lock Haven
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Conn College
12pm EST Women / 1pm EST Men
Host: Augustana
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Fredonia
12pm EST Women / 1pm EST Men
Host: Carleton
11am EST Women / 12pm EST Men
Host: Belhaven
1pm EST Women / 2pm EST Men
Host: Lewis & Clark