Episode 82 - Jack Flood

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The new era in athletics involves an athlete to do more than show up to a meet, compete, and then go home. Social media has changed the way athletes are able to connect with their fans to show not only their training, but their personality. Jack Flood has built a large following on his Tik Tok to show his training and his love for the best CPD.

From an athletic perspective, Flood’s story is one of great progression. As a high school athlete, Flood was unsure what his plans were nor what he wanted to do. He was all set on not going to college as he wanted to figure out what to do with his life but after winning the sate Pentathlon and encouragement from his high school coach, Jack enrolled at D3 JUCO school, SUNY Delhi (now a full D3 school).

While at Delhi, his love for track and field intensified despite the situation he was dealing with there. With the lack of facilities and coaches, the path to improvement was difficult but that wasn’t going to stop him from going back on his word. Despite the lack of support, he won the decathlon twice but was aware that his score wasn’t good enough. His desire to improve intensified and he knew going to the next level would push him.

Jack transferred to SUNY Cortland which dramatically improved his situation. All of a sudden he had coaches that cared, great facilities, teammates that wanted to improve which Jack thrived off of. His first year he finished 3rd in the Hep and 4th in Dec but wasn’t satisfied with those results. That summer, he visualized how he was going to improve and came into his senior year hungry for a title. His senior year, he won both the Hep and Dec and he knew his journey didn’t stop there.

This conversation was a great mix of the current situation unsponsored athletes face to keep their dreams alive. Jack saw how social media can help sustain his career and believes it’s the future for athletes. It was an inspiring conversation to hear how Jack never gave up on himself and continues to improve.

Jack’s Links:

Watch Jack this weekend compete in the Decathlon Finals

Tik Tok



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On having a bad Event in the Dec

Whatever happens in the decathlon in each event, you have to look at the best perspective possible and just move on.

On Filming Videos at Practice

Not only are you're putting out videos to the world to inspire others, but you're also building your brand. It's a win win. You're already doing the training so you might as well film it and put the extra work in to put the videos out there.

On importance of Social Media for Athletes

Social media is something that athletes didn't have back in the day. And if you're not trying to build yours as an athlete. Then you're kind of at a loss especially in track and field since it's a pretty cutthroat sport. Unless you're top 3 in the world

On Chipotle Deal

I got in contact with Chipotle and they asked what would the deal be with us. I said, ‘well, one - would be cool to put my bowl on App. It would work. It'd be the best bowl on app, I guarantee it. And Two, represent you at a track meet or something. Put Chipotle on my jersey, as the first Chipotle athlete. That would be pretty bad ass.

On Internet Trolls

You're probably in a bad place and I'm going to pray for you because I feel sorry for you. Never take anything on the internet personal because they wouldn't say to your face.

On his Path to Success

People always ask, ‘why didn't you go D1 if you’re this good?’ I wouldn’t have succeeded at that level. To get to where I'm at now in 2022 at 26 years old, I had to go through JUCO, I had to go D3 to get to this level.

On the Feeling of Winning

It's a blessing because every year I got to progress and get better. I got to know the feeling of winning. If I was in D1, I wouldn't know the feeling of winning, momentum and progress.

On Motivation afer Transferring

So my only focus every day waking up thinking I’m going to break 7k. I remember that August the only thing I thought about was pushing as hard as I can every day in training and being the hardest worker.

On his Dedication to the Decathlon

My whole life always revolved around the decathlon and everything I do. There's a purpose and intention to everything I do.

On His Passion

I'm very grateful to find what I loved to do early on because, even though I sucked in high school until my senior year, my freshman year of high school I instantly knew this is what I wanted to do.

On Keeping Your Word

If you put something out there and you don't take the actions to get it, it almost destroys your soul. So I put myself out there and now I'm going to do everything I can to achieve that. And if I don't take the action to do that, then I'm basically destroying myself because I'm not doing what I know is possible


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